Our Class Schedule


Open Mat

Come to the best Open Mat in Portland (probably)! Open Mat is offered on Sunday at 10am. This is open to all jiu jitsu, grappling and mma gyms, regardless of affiliation. Our open mat is done typically in the gi, though we occasionally have grapplers that practice no-gi. Every week we usually have practitioners from at least 3 different schools show up. It's a great opportunity to meet some new people in the community and test that new thing you've been learning against an opponent who hasn't been learning it at as well.


Our Class Offerings

Portland Jiu Jistu Gym - Portland BJJ Gym

Jiu Jistu - Gi

Our main Jiu Jistu gi class for intermediate and advanced students. The class is taught in 2-week cirriculum cycles where students will study and practice a topic over the the course of 2-weeks. Every class has a drilling and technique portion followed by positional sparring and/or high-volume rounds. This class will cover elements of sport Jiu Jistu, grappling, wrestling and self-defense to help you become a well-rounded grappler. Gi required.

Portland Jiu Jistu Gym - Portland BJJ Gym

Jiu Jistu Foundations

Perfect for complete beginners, white belts, and advanced belts who want to brush up on their basics. This course will cover fundamentals and concepts to get beginners proficient in learning the grappling art of Jiu Jistu. Students will learn the basics in self-defense, sport grappling and enjoy the physical challenge of grappling while learning a new skill. A gi is not required, however it is recommended that you purchase one. Check out Dojo Outfitters for the best gis in town.

Jiu Jitsu No-Gi

No-gi is offered several times a week, and is appropriate for all levels. No-gi classes typically involve more live sparring, with some technique taught at the end of class. Please wear a rashguard, and either gi pants, or grappling pants with board shorts. Do not wear any clothing with loops or fasteners, or anything that could injure a person and/or the mats.

Portland Jiu Jistu Gym - Portland BJJ Gym

Drill Class

Our drill class is held once a week and is open to both Foundations course members and regular members. The drill class will review the techniques shown over the course of the week and allow students to practice their technique and ask questions. Students will be led through a series of drills that they will practice with a partner with light resistance. This class has little to no sparring and a gi is required.


Private Lessons

Schedule a private lesson with Coach Josh and get one-on-one teaching to help you gain insights on your game and help you accelerate your progression. Coach Josh offers gi, no-gi and personal fitness training. He can help you get ready for a fight, fix your technique, or help you get better at something you have been wanting to learn. He currently offers 4 and 10-packs of 1-hour lessons as well as video breakdowns of competitions and in-gym rounds.


Membership & Rates

Please contact us to sign up for a membership or come in for your FREE Week Trial

Drop-ins & Visitors: $30

We welcome visitors from all schools. No uniform requirements. If you have a gi, bring it. If not, we have a few you may borrow.

New Members: One-Week FREE Trial